We want Moomba to be fun for everyone.


See below for more information on accessibility, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at moomba@melbourne.vic.gov.au or speak to one of our friendly staff members at the festival.
City of Melbourne offers a range of other initiatives to make our city more inclusive – including accessible toilets around the CBD and a new access map. Visit City of Melbourne’s Accessing Melbourne page for more information.

  • Wheelchair and Mobility

    Wheelchair and Mobility

    The Moomba site and most program activities are accessible by wheelchair and mobility aids – that includes walking aids, wheelchairs, mobility scooters and people with prams. Please note that access for carnival rides can vary and some rides may not be appropriate depending on the individual’s access requirements.

  • Facilities and Parking

    Facilities and Parking

    There are adult changing facilities located at the Arts Centre, Flinders Street Station (via the Traveller’s Aid hub) and at Federation Square – check the Accessing Melbourne page for more information.

    The closest train station is Flinders Street Station which is also serviced by a number of tram stops.

    The closest accessible parking option for the Moomba Festival site is at Federation Square.

  • Travellers Aid

    Travellers Aid

    Travellers Aid can be found on Boathouse Drive and can help with communication and mobility aid assistance from Friday 7 March 4.30 – 7.00pm for the Relaxed Hours session and from Saturday through to Monday from 10am – 6pm.

    There will be some limited mobility equipment on site for hire (wheelchairs and prams). Note: there is a wider range at the Flinders Street Station and Southern Cross Station sites (i.e. scooters – subject to availability).

    Patrons requiring meals and toilets service can visit the Flinders Street Station Office (located between platform 9/10) which is open until 7pm each night.

    There will be a ‘quiet space’ in the Travellers Aid marquee for people who may need some time out.

    On request Travellers Aid can support patrons to tram stop #14 Arts Precinct or Flinders Street Station.

    Further services are available from Travellers Aid at Flinders Street station including personal care, mobility equipment hire, luggage storage and an adult change facility between 8am and 7pm, 7 days a week.

  • National Relay Service

    National Relay Service

    The National Relay Service (NRS) assists those who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have speech impairment to communicate with voice callers. Call the National Relay Service on 133 677 and ask to for assistance with calling for information about Moomba at 03 9658 9658.

  • Sunflower Initiative

    Sunflower Initiative

    This Moomba, City of Melbourne will once again offer the Disabilities Sunflower Scheme to deliver the Sunflower symbol initiative assisting those with hidden disabilities. People who need assistance can choose to wear a Sunflower symbol so that trained Moomba staff can offer their assistance. To pre-order Sunflower symbol or for enquiries, contact us at moomba@melbourne.vic.gov.au. These Sunflower lanyards will also be available for free on-site at the event from the Traveller’s Aid marquee staff on Boathouse Drive.

  • Scope Communication Boards

    Scope Communication Boards

    Communication tools are available at the Info Booths at Moomba and at Melbourne Visitor Hubs.

    These communication tools include images, text and a spelling board. They are designed to support customers with communication difficulties and the City of Melbourne staff to communicate in a clear and accessible way.

    Staff have received training in how to use the communication tools and other communication access strategies.

  • Social Stories

    Social Stories

    Social Stories support children with disability by preparing them for what they will see, hear and do at an event. They are a way to prepare children with disability for an event, new activity or change to routine. With pictures and simple text, Social Stories help to lessen the anxiety of the new by introducing them to the things that they will see, hear and can do – ahead of time. This enables children to ask questions and familiarise themselves before the day – and supports everyone to have the best possible experience. We have also provided a Quiet Zone Marquee on Boathouse Drive in Alexandra Gardens for children who need a calm space to unwind.

    View the Moomba Social Story which is a Microsoft Word document so that it can be customised to meet the individual needs of the families who use them.

  • Relaxed Hours

    Relaxed Hours

    Moomba Festival will have a ‘relaxed hours’ program between 4pm to 6pm on Friday 7 March.

    Relaxed hours are specific time periods or sessions designed to accommodate individuals who may not feel comfortable during busier times. These sessions are particularly helpful for people with sensory differences, anxiety, or parents and carers.