Visitor Info

Everything you need to know before planning your trip to Moomba Festival including opening hours, transport information and more.

  • Moomba opening hours

    Moomba opening hours

    Thursday 6 March: 4–10pm

    Friday 7 March: 4–10pm

    Saturday 8 March: 10am–10pm

    Sunday 9 March: 10am–10pm

    Monday 10 March: 10am–10pm

  • Getting to the festival

    Getting to the festival

    We’re at Alexandra Gardens and Birrarung Marr (both off St Kilda Road). The best way to get to Moomba is by public transport with Flinders Street being the nearest train station. You can even travel in on the Moomba Steam Train!

    Due to the public holiday on Monday 10 March, trams and trains will run to a Saturday timetable, with the last tram as per the normal Monday to Thursday timetable. Visit the PTV website to plan your journey.

  • Accessibility info

    Accessibility info

    We want Moomba to be safe, welcoming and happy place for everyone to enjoy. Head to our accessibility page for information on wheelchair access, facilities and more.

  • Be sun smart

    Be sun smart

    It can get very hot at Moomba so make sure you’re sunsmart. Some places have limited shade options so we suggest you wear your favourite hat! There’ll be sunscreen available around the festival and don’t forget to bring your own water bottle to fill at our water stations.

  • Sustainability


    We’re making moves to help Moomba be a more sustainable festival with initiatives like composting food waste, using 100% renewable energy at Alexandra Gardens, repurposing materials for parade floats, and minimising plastic where we can. We’re also proudly Certified Carbon Neutral.

  • Pets


    Moomba can be noisy and overwhelming for our furry friends, so please leave your pets at home. Crowds, loud noises and fireworks can be particularly distressing to animals.  Read more on responsible pet ownership. Assistive animals and Guide Dogs are allowed. Water and dog poo bags will be available for service animals at the info booths.

  • Alcohol, smoking and vaping

    Alcohol, smoking and vaping

    Moomba Festival is an alcohol-free event and penalties apply. Visitors are also asked to keep all entertainment and food areas smoke/vape free.

  • CCTV at Moomba Festival

    CCTV at Moomba Festival

    For the safety and security of all patrons, CCTV cameras will be in operation at Moomba Festival. By attending, you consent to being recorded. Footage may be used for security purposes and to ensure the smooth running of the event.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Policy for Event Delay or Cancellation

    Policy for Event Delay or Cancellation

    In the event of severe weather or other external incident, the event start time may be delayed by up to 2 hours.

    The impacts of following circumstances will be considered for a delayed start, with organisers to discuss impacts with relevant stakeholders prior to confirming delayed start-time.

    • Inclement or Severe Weather
    • Lack of Access to Site due to external factors (external incident such as road accident)
    • Artist Delay or Cancellation
    • Water Incursion to Site (flooding, excess rain)
    • Minor-moderate damage to Structures, Stages or Site Infrastructure/Surface

    In the event it is deemed unsafe to proceed, the event may be cancelled.

    The impacts of following circumstances will be considered for a cancellation, with organisers to discuss impacts with relevant stakeholders prior to confirming cancellation.

    • Severe or Extreme Weather
    • No Access to Site due to external factors (external incident such as road accident)
    • Artist Delay or Cancellation
    • Major Water Incursion to Site (flooding, excess rain)
    • Major damage to Structures, Stages or Site Infrastructure/Surface

Moomba is Carbon Neutral

Moomba 2025 is Certified Carbon Neutral once again. This means we’re measuring every activity across the entire festival from the power used to run the food trucks and the air and ground travel of every visitor, staff member, performer and competitor to the waste produced at the carnival and the fuels used for the water ski boats. We reduce the carbon emissions where we can and then offset the remaining emissions by supporting a number of emissions reduction projects in Australia and overseas.